NFTA Announces Second Round of Public Meetings on Paratransit Expansion Study

BUFFALO, N.Y.- As part of its ongoing study of Paratransit Access Line (PAL) service, NFTA-Metro invites the public to attend one of two upcoming public meetings, a virtual meeting on September 24, 2024, at 1 p.m. and a meeting at Schiller Park Senior Center, 2057 Genesee Street, Buffalo, on September 25, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Both meetings will include a brief presentation about the paratransit study, describe consultant recommendations for modifying PAL service areas and times, and present consultant findings on the costs and next steps for expanding the area of PAL service. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about the consultant’s findings. Current PAL riders, residents of Erie and Niagara counties who have unmet transportation needs, caregivers, and advocates are encouraged to attend this important meeting.
Information on how to participate is available at nftametroparatransitstudy.com or by calling Sam Gallivan, Project Planner, at 716- 855-7224. A sign language interpreter will be present at both meetings and a call-in option will be available for the virtual meeting on September 24th.
The NFTA-Metro Paratransit Expansion Study is evaluating opportunities to improve quality, increase efficiency, and enhance the customer experience of PAL service.
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