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Public Information Center
FOIL Subject Matter
This FOIL Subject Matter List is not all inclusive and is provided as a “reasonably detailed current list by subject matter, of all records in the possession of the agency, whether or not available under FOIL” in compliance with NY Public Officer’s Law Section 87(3)(c).
For more information regarding this list, contact the Committee on Open Government.
Last updated: February 2023
Operation certification records Airport security and safety records Tenant legal and reference files Incident or accident reports
Airline/airport schedule and usage records
Fuel, de-icer or other chemical storage and dispensing records
Noise study
Accreditation records for airport personnel
Legal files (i.e., notices of claim, pleadings, complaints, police reports, court orders, releases and closing documents, etc.)
Budget preparation file Annual budget
Budget hearing and review files Preliminary or tentative budget Budget status report
Disaster preparedness or crisis relocation records
Disaster response and damage files
Environmental disturbance permit file
Property acquisition or regulation file
Spill, release or investigation records
Sanitary code violation records
Records of minor repairs, enlargements or cleaning
Informational copies of reports and studies
Environmental quality review records
Air contamination permits files
Permit files for construction, operation and maintenance
Detailed construction specifications and other supplementary documentation
Charts, graphs and similar records
Hazardous waste site identification records
Permits, approvals:
Approval necessary for connection to public water supply or waste-water disposal system
Water quality certification which affects federally navigable waters
Permit for use of solid waste management facility by business or resident of municipality
Permit files for fluoridation plan, backflow prevention devices, fire pump chlorinators, distribution of bottled or bulk water, or for interconnecting water systems.
Reports and studies
Annual reports, final reports, special studies and detailed reports, including facility inspection reports, reports on watershed rules and rules violations, environmental facility monitoring, overall operational reports and reports of emergencies
Operational report for fire pump chlorinator, backflow prevention device or fluoridation process
Hazardous waste disposal records
Recycling marketing records
Recycling waste collection records
Natural resource inventory
Environmental quality review records
Capital construction or public improvement project file
Permit or registration files for construction, operation and maintenance
Log or equivalent record containing information such as changes in pressure and level, proportion of chemicals present, operational changes, problems and emergencies, and personal observations Charts, graphs and similar records of pumpage, flow, pressure, emissions, temperature, levels of chemicals and related information
Operator qualifications records Reports, studies or data queries
Alarm, problem and emergency records
Executive, Manager or Administrator’s office files
Maintenance, testing, service, operational and repair records for equipment and vehicles
Cumulative summary records for vehicles and equipment
Individual reports when posted to cumulated summary records
Repair, installation, maintenance or similar record, including, but not limited to, request for service, work order, record of work done, and summary or log of service performed
Individual reports when not posted to cumulated summary records
Logs and similar records
Specifications, warranties and descriptive information received from vendors for vehicles and equipment
Vehicle usage records including schedules and trip logs
Consumption and dispensing records for fuel, oil and similar products used by publicly owned vehicles and equipment
Requests for services and supplies including stockroom supplies, forms and publications, duplication, or use of any vehicle or equipment:
When a chargeback or fee is involved
When no chargeback or fee is involved
Petroleum bulk storage records
Hazardous waste generation records
Building rehabilitation and reconstruction project files
Video and/or audio on revenue generating vehicles
Banking and Investment
Banking communications
Canceled checks (including payroll checks)
Copy of check or check stub
Depository agreement
Checking account statements
Time deposit account statements
Money Market account statements
Deposit slips
Bonds and Notes
Bond issue preparation files
Transcripts of legal proceedings
Periodic reports and similar records
General Accounting and Miscellaneous
General ledger
Subsidiary ledger Journal
Accounting register
Cash transaction records
Fare collection records
Daily cash records
Past due account fiscal records and summaries
Notice of encumbrances
Intermediary fiscal record of receipts and disbursements
Billing records covering services provided
Bill of sale
Tax exemption records
Master summary records of grants
Detailed records of grants
Credit card records
Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or other periodic fiscal reports
Annual or final fiscal reports
Verification of travel expenses
Official minutes and hearing proceedings
Video and/or audio including public or other meetings of governing board or committees thereof
Agendas, background materials and other records used at meetings of governing body or board or agency, commission or committee thereof
Legal agreements including contracts, leases, and releases
Policies and Procedures standards documenting significant policies or decisions containing legal, fiscal or administrative information
Official publication, including newsletter, press release, published report, bulletin, homepage or other website file, educational or informational program material
Special project or program files
Internal investigation or non-fiscal audit records
Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or other periodic internal or external report, summary, review, evaluation, log, list, statement or statistics
Annual, special or final report, summary, review or evaluation
Report of incident of theft, arson, vandalism, property damage or similar occurrence
Guide, listing, index or other finding aid to archival records Subject matter list of record holdings of state government Listing of officers and employees
Register or list of applicants seeking access to public records
Freedom of Information Law Request file
Grant program files
Planning Documents related to the distribution of grant funds (short-term/long-term)
Application Packages (Includes all supporting documentation for grant funding projects).
Grant Agreements/Contracts
Internal or external reports (quarterly and/or annually)
Grant Closeout Documentation
Individual complaint or problem case file
Summary record for individual case and/or master summary record of all cases
Periodic statistical or narrative activity or progress reports
Insurance policies and supporting application documentation
Certificates of Insurance
Claim Files
Property carrier risk records
NFTA Non-revenue vehicle information
Statutory Federal and State Lobbying Reports
Transit-Oriented Development Planning
Payroll, including information on gross and net pay, base pay, and taxes Payroll report when needed for an audit or other fiscal purposes
Payroll distribution breakdown record Summary record of employees’ payroll changes Employees’ time cards, sheets or books
Record of employee absences or accruals
Employees’ voluntary payroll deduction request form Schedule or other notification from issuing bank
Employees’ personal earnings record
Quarterly or other periodic report of wages paid
Payroll report submitted to New York State Employee’s Retirement System
Employer’s copy of Annual Federal Tax Return (Form 940), Quarterly Federal Tax Return (Form 941E) and Continuation Sheets (Form 941a), Notice of Tax Return Due (Form TY 14), or equivalent forms
Employer’s copy of U.S. Information Return for Calendar Year (Form 1099), Withholding Tax Statement (Form W-2) or Transmittal of Wages and Tax Statements (Form W-3), or equivalent forms
Employees’ Withholding Exemption Certificate (Form W-4) Employer’s copy of New York State income tax records
Master summary records from personnel case file, including, but not limited to, age, dates of employment and job titles
Personnel case file materials, including, but not limited to, application for employment, resume, report of personnel change, evaluation, examination results, notice of resignation or termination, and correspondence
Investigative records and disciplinary proceedings Employees’ time records
Annual or other financial disclosure statements Employee training history records
Administrative organization chart and related records Identification card records
Equal employment opportunity report and related records Health and life insurance records
Unemployment insurance records Labor-management meeting records Contract negotiations records
Job action records Grievance records
Listing or roster of officials and/or employees
Log and summary of occupational injuries and illnesses Employee injury record
Employee medical records Notification of vacancy in office
Drivers’ license review records for employees
Employee attestation of knowledge of code of ethics, staff policy manual or other official policies or procedures
Records documenting the specimen collection and testing process for alcohol and drug testing Drivers’ alcohol and controlled substance test results and related records
Documentation of other violations of alcohol or substance abuse rules Staff training and evaluation records for drivers’ alcohol and drug testing Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9
Employee Assistance Program records Job classification records
Job postings and position duties statement Personnel requisition
Application for employment
Recruitment, hiring, interview and selection records Seniority list
Copy of all policies and procedures, including the documentation of the random selection process Annual statistical and other reports regarding alcohol and controlled substance testing
Other records, including periodic reports and statistics and collection logbooks
Planning/Engineering Projects and Program files developed by/for agency
Final reports and essential supporting information used to develop reports, including, but not limited to, maps, plans, technical memoranda and environmental impact studies
Background material, including but not limited to notes, memos, worksheets and correspondence
Discretionary planning review case files, including review of planning review cases, federal or other funded projects, environmental impact or similar studies, or other reviews, including but not limited to application, correspondence, copies of local planning/zoning records, maps, plans, sketches and supporting materials.
Project files for capital transportation improvements for structures, parking lots and garages and public transportation improvements
Feasibility studies, successful bids, plans, specifications and designs; project descriptions; in-progress and completion photographs, inspection reports; environmental impact statements; annual project statements; fiscal and other final reports, and significant correspondence.
Supplementary documentation including applications for assistance, project budgets, memoranda, worksheets, routine correspondence, detailed construction specifications and inspection records.
Unsuccessful bids
Emergency call receipt and/or equipment dispatch record Communications log
Vehicle readiness checklist
Record of equipment - public safety personnel Incident attendance record
Ambulance run or pre-hospital care record Emergency medical training records
Daily Log
Printout of fire department or district incidents Reports on fire-fighting activity
Fire investigation records Fire mutual aid plan
Fire hydrant records, including master record of hydrant locations Alarm records
Hazardous materials location report or exemption
Training records for fire-fighting personnel, including records of course completed and course content
Combine Emergency Medical, Structural Fire Fighting, ARFF Training, Hazards Materials training, Confined Space training, Auto Extrication training and any other training covered by the fore mentioned topics.
Confined Space locations.
Fire Protection Systems- Fire Alarm system- Maintenance and Inspection Reports; Sprinkler System-Maintenance and Inspection Reports.
Inspection and Testing records Per FAA standards for Foam and Dry Chemical.
Incident data summary report, including blotter or equivalent record containing summary of department or station activities
Law enforcement reports, studies or data queries Case investigation record
Personal information data file
Arrest information cumulative data file Personal property record
Firearm licensing file
Records of issuance of firearms or other weapons to law enforcement personnel
Repair and maintenance records for firearms or other weapons used by law enforcement personnel
Record of stolen or missing firearms Traffic and parking violation records Vehicle accident case record Vehicle history files
Individual’s driving and accident records Impounded or abandoned vehicle record Vehicle towing records
Warrant execution and subpoena or summons service records Escort service record
Emergency call receipt and/or equipment dispatch record Communications log
Tape recording of communications Vehicle readiness checklist
Training records for law-enforcement officers Incident attendance record
Individual identification file including, disposition records, and miscellaneous reports
Vacant place check record Missing person records
Child abuse or maltreatment reports Prisoner case record
Order, report, or notice concerning vehicle operator’s license or registration
Reports or other records of repossessed vehicles, not impounded by law enforcement Use of force reports
Maps, plans, schedules, diagrams of entire system and specific branches and routes providing information on stations, stops, dates of operation and times of arrival and departure
System operational records covering vehicle scheduling, passenger service and related subjects
Summary records, reports and statistics
Records of original entry where information is posted to reports and other summary records such as passenger counts, tickets and stubs
Operational certification and review records relating to approval and inspection by NYSDOT
Operations review records
Certificate of inspections and approval to operate Transit Asset Management Plan
Metro Annual Performance Report ABBG Benchmarking Data GOAL Benchmarking Data Personnel Variance Reports Monthly Committee Reports
State of Good Repair Studies/Inventory
17A and NTD Inventory Reports
Purchase requisitions Purchasing files
Performance guarantee or written warranty for products (bid RFP documents) Purchase orders, bids, RFPs
Cancelled bids file
Minority and women-owned business files
Real property acquisition or sale file, copy of deed, copy of assessment, copy of site or plot plan, closing statement, memoranda and correspondence
Master summary record (book, log or register)
Official copy of sale or auction list, and notice or advertisement of sale of real property Capital construction or public improvement project file; bids, specifications, contracts Official plans, maps, designs, architectural drawings, and photographs
Inventory of real estate
Building and property history data file
Maintenance or building inspection records Fire safety records
Right-of-way records including legal description, copies of deeds, maps and photographs.
Property Acquisition records documenting the acquisition of real property obtained for transportation related improvement projects including record of public hearing, findings and determinations, appraisal information, copies of court proceedings and correspondence
Public property sale or discard records (except real property), including description of property, bids or offers, and receipt of deed of gift
Toxic substance exposure records:
List of toxic substances present at workplace
Material safety data sheet or fact sheet
Employee training records
Safety and Security Plans
Safety Performance records
On-site safety inspection records
Hazard Inspections and Logs
Accident and Injury investigation records
Regulatory inspection records
Evacuation Drill records