Metro Surveys Riders to Gain Insight and Plan for the Future
On-line survey provides valuable feedback
BUFFALO, N.Y. NFTA-Metro values its riders and the community we serve and are always looking at ways to improve. During this unprecedented time, we wanted to hear directly from riders and respond to their input. Metro Bus and Rail conducted an online survey, from June 8 to June 22 to seek feedback from the public about our COVID-19 response and to learn how to help riders feel safe on the system in the future. The survey was targeted both to people riding during the pandemic and people who are not riding during the pandemic. Here are some of the highlights from the survey.
- 58% of riders who responded are essential workers
- Most common jobs: healthcare, retail
- Most common reason for riding: commuting to work
- Most common reason for not riding working from home
- Most respondents were satisfied with Metro’s COVID–19 response, especially about rear door boarding, free fares, and requiring face coverings
- Requiring face coverings and providing hand sanitizer were the two most important ongoing interventions, according to survey respondents.
We have already acted on several suggestions and feedback we have received:
- We added 30 day passes on Token Transit, and now almost all fare options are available on Token Transit, which is a “no touch” fare payment option.
- Barriers have been or will be installed on all buses to separate drivers and bus riders.
- Hand sanitizer was installed on all buses but then the manufacturer recalled the product. We will work to re-install as soon as possible.
- Face coverings are universally required on NFTA Metro services and buildings.
- We will continue to provide chases buses as much as we can. We are limited in our ability to add frequency because we don’t always have extra buses or drivers.
- We added Metro PCS to the list of carriers available for texts from our Instant Update service.
A total of 323 took part in the on-line survey. 47% people who have been riding, and 53% who have not been riding. This link will provide further details on the survey findings.
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